April and May

Landon looks so cute playing soccer.  He doesn’t love playing though so I don’t think soccer will be his sport.

My friends threw me a bridal party.  It was so sweet! And what a beautiful cake.

Happy Easter!!  It was so fun to have us all together and the kids wake up together for Easter morning!

We made it to church on time after the egg hunt.

See, I do play sometimes.  Just not very well.

I love watching the girls play volleyball.

Wayne is always joking around and messing with the kids.

Landon spent the night with Bebe and Papa and did some crafts.
Makenzie got her braces put on.

Look at the concentration, and tongue!

Wayne took Landon with him shopping.  Cutest little cowboy.

Kenzie made us sweet pictures before we left for Vegas to GET MARRIED!

We rented a limo to get from the airport to our hotel.  

That night, Wayne and I went to dinner and did another helicopter ride.  This time we landed at Red Rock and had champagne while watching the sunset.

Saturday, the 24th was wedding day.   I ended up not wearing the dress I had bought and we went more casual. 

“I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Wilson”

We are so blessed that out friends and family all came with us to Vegas to celebrate with us.

We closed out the trip with a nice win before heading home. 

Meet Roxy.  Since Wayne and I aren’t having a baby, we decided to have a puppy instead.  She is an adorable labradoodle.  She did really good in the car, and was obsessed with Wayne right away.  The breeder had her in diapers while inside and it was a brilliant idea for the car too.

Madison went to a birthday party sleep over and didn’t go with us to pick up Roxy.  She was really excited to meet her the next day.

Max was so gentle with her.  I was really impressed with how well he did.  She wanted to play like puppies do and we would have to remind Max to be gentle.

Puppy snuggles
Cutest puppy butt ever 

She did so good at her first vet appointment.

Love getting pictures from Landon’s teacher of him at school.

Now I have another bath observer.

Landon finished soccer and told us he doesn’t want to play again.

We got our first dose of the Covid vaccine.

The girls finished their volleyball season.  

Landon, Wayne and I surprise attacked the girls on the last day of school when they walked home.  We hid behind the truck and threw water balloons at them.  It was so fun.

I can’t believe how much older they look.

Another golf date.

We snuck out on a date to celebrate Koko’s birthday.

She is so funny how she lays stretched out.


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