Back to blogging
We’re ba-ack! After taking a looong blogging break, I’ve decided to come back so I can document our day to day and have these memories to look back on. I’m going to do a very quick recap of what we have been up too.
2020 was a rollercoaster. I’m going to break it up over a few posts to get caught up.
The girls started playing basketball.
They started on our pool and our backyard was a mess for most of the month! The kids loved coming home from school and watching them work out the window.
We had lots of play dates and their favorite was going to KidsEmpire to play.
Madison had her friend Kyle over to play. I caught a little footsie action going on under the table.
Our friends Jacob and Amber took us fishing. I hung out with the littles and was on snack duty. These two are so cute!
The girls celebrated 100 days of school and made their own shirts to wear.
Landon made a bestie with our next door neighbor, Luke. He is so sweet to him and always lets him play.
After school pickup selfies while we wait in the carline to pick up the girls.
We celebrated Madison’s 6th birthday at GreatWolf Lodge. I think the arcade is their favorite part there. Check out Madison’s tongue while she concentrates on skeeball.
I love this sweet girl so much! I can’t believe she is 6. She is growing into such an amazing little girl and I’m so lucky to be her mom!
We also brought home this furry little guy. Max is a goldendoodle and we are in love with him.
Landon a had a Valentine party at school and was so excited to look at all his goodies.
The weather was so nice that we took many trips to the park to play and to let them run out some energy.
I always have an audience while I take a bath. This time there was another visitor.
These guys love going to pick the girls up from school on the golf cart.
We were finally able to fill up our pool and were counting down the days until it was warm enough to swim.
My sweet boy turned 3. They celebrated him at school and he was so proud of his hat he got to wear. Bubs is the sweetest little boy ever. I love him so much.
Our street hosted a block party. There are so many kids on our end of the street. It’s so fun when we can all get out together and let them run around. We brought cupcakes and everyone sang happy birthday to Landon. His best bud gave him a light saber so he can play with the big boys.
The girls finished basketball and had a great season.
We love afternoon naps before we pick the girls up from school. Max loves them too.
We went to Sweet Frog and Chuckee Cheese for Landon’s birthday.
My bath partner is getting so big. In less than a month he has already doubled in size.
Bebe and Papa came over and we decided to try out the hot tub. The crazies jumped in the pool too.
It must have worn bubs out because he came in and snuggled papa and fell asleep.
Max enjoyed playing with chalk too. He loves being outside and playing with everyone. He is such a good boy and loves playing with sticks.
March ended in a total lockdown. Stores were shut down and were doing curbside pick ups only. Shelves were empty and people had trouble finding things they needed. It really was unbelievable!
The U.S. would never be the same after March 2020.
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