November and December

I started putting up my Christmas decorations on November 1st.  If I could leave it up all year I would.  Except this year every single thing that had lights had a section out.  It was so annoying.  I started to feel like I was being punked.

We finally got things restrung and decorated.  But I kid you not, every tree I put up (7 out of 10), 3 pieces of garland and lights on my mantle did not work or had sections out.  It was crazy.

The weather was so nice.  It was crazy wearing shorts and playing outside while decorating for Christmas.

Roxy blends in with the floor.  Especially when she stretches out like this.

I had to have a sleep study.  Bebe and Papa both have sleep apnea so I figured this would be in my future.

Wayne and I went and saw Luke Combs in concert.  He is our favorite and it was so fun.

Kenzie drew this and I thought it was amazing.

We surprised the kids and took a road trip to Arkansas and had fun stuff planned.

Our first stop was a trail ride on horses.  It turned out to be our favorite thing we did.

After we checked in the hotel we went to dinner and played some mini golf.  We had a really good time and definitely need to do this again back home.

The next day we went to Crater of Diamonds State Park.  We were hoping to find some diamonds, but sadly didn’t.  It was misting rain and chilly and the kids were over it pretty quick.  

We found a mountain to hike and had so much fun.  It is absolutely beautiful there.

That night we went bowling.

The puppies were so happy to see Wayne when we got home.

Oh Roxy!

Wayne fried a Turkey for Thanksgiving and we were actually able to taste it this year.  It was amazing.

The elves arrived the next morning.

We took the kids to see a pre showing of Sing 2.  It was so cute and we all agreed we liked it better than the first one. (I LOVED the first one)

Bebe and Papa surprised the kids at school with lunch.  They were so happy to see them.

I caught this rainbow and thought it looked so beautiful over the pool with the sunset.

The kids decorated Christmas balls with paint.  It turned out to be a bust though because the paint wouldn’t dry inside.

Landon had an ENT appointment and had his hearing checked.  He talks SO LOUD and always sounds congested.  Everything checked out fine.

His school pictures turned out ADORABLE!

Landon played a shepherd in his school play.  He was so funny and kept making goofy faces the whole time.

Poor Max.  Roxy knows no boundaries.

We won the classic Christmas award for our Christmas lights.  That was a fun surprise.  We didn’t even know we were nominated.

Landon had his Christmas party at school. His Grinch art was spot on.  He is obsessed with the matching game and is really good at it.

The girls volleyball picture is so cute!  They look so grown.

We took the kids to go see Santa.  He wasn’t behind plexiglass this year but they did have to sit on a bench 6 feet in front of him.

We went to Church for the Christmas Eve service.  My favorite service all year.

We took the girls to see a Christmas Cirque Soleil show.

The kids went with their dad on Christmas Eve for a little bit to visit his side of the family.  When they got home it was time to leave out food for the reindeers and cookies for Santa.

Santa came!

It was my year to give dad the paperweight this year.  Wayne built a box and nailed it together real good and we wrapped the weight in duct tape and then put it in the box with spray insulation foam all around it.  I think we got him good!

Makenzie’s club volleyball team had a get together at Shenanigans.  The whole family went and we had a great time.

New Years Eve this year looked a lot different than last year.  We had all the kids and planned minute to win it games to play throughout the night.  It turned out to be such a fun night and all the kids made it to midnight.


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