January, February and March

Welcome 2021.  It was a wonderful year for our family and I had so much fun going through all the pictures from the year.

We started the year off slowly I guess because I didn’t find many pictures.  The kids stayed with Bebe and Papa for New Years Eve while Wayne and and I went out.  

Wayne helped Landon put together a superhero Lego set.  Thank goodness Wayne is here to help.

We celebrated Christmas with the Hogans.  I love Landon’s face when he saw what was in his gift.

We got some snow!!!  The kids were with their dad so I didn’t get any pictures of them playing in it.  Max LOVED it.

We took the kids to Urban Air to play.  They ran around like crazy and came home and were wore out! Mission accomplished.

We celebrated Bebe’s birthday.  I made a big balloon arch but didn’t get a picture of it.

Kenzie drew this family picture and I LOVE it so much.

Madison turned 7!!  She just won’t stop growing!  She had a power ranger themed birthday and the red ranger came to visit!  Every birthday I decorate the table for the kids and boobytrap the stairs with balloons and crepe paper. 

We took the kids on a surprise getaway to  GreatWolf Lodge to celebrate her birthday.

Wayne and I took Caiden to a creepy circus.  

I’m pretty sure Max got into the Mac n cheese…..

We got snow again.  This time it lasted for 2 weeks!  We had so much fun playing in the snow.

Max really liked it.

We took some makeshift sleds to a hill in the neighborhood and did some sledding.

Wayne and I traded in the cold snow for the hot beach!!  We went to Medico and I got a surprise on the beach when we got there…..

He proposed.  It was so sweet and of course I said yes!  He makes me so happy and I love how he loves my kids.

We did a fun excursion where we got to snorkel in an underwater cave. There were a few other stops along the way that were so cool too.

Max really missed Wayne while we were gone.

Landon took cute pony pictures at his school.

We celebrated Papa’s birthday.

She looks so small compared to the slide. 

Landon turned 4 and the Hulk came to visit.  I just love how he dresses up and makes their day extra special.

Madison was able to join Makenzie’s volleyball team and we spent some time outside practicing her serves.

I went wedding dress shopping.  I found a beautiful dress that I loved so much.  It definitely did not look the same on me as it did the model and I didn’t feel as beautiful as I had hoped, but went for it anyways.

I got the girls pictures back from school.  No ketchup on the face this time.

Kenzie had a play date with her besties.

Wayne gave Landon a golf lesson. 😍

He still has a ways to go.

I went golfing with this stud.  Sometimes I play and sometimes I drink beer and watch him from the golf cart.

Landon started playing soccer.  His friend Paislee is on the team and they spent most of their time flirting with each other.

Madison did so good playing on the team with the older girls.  They were all so sweet to her too.

Back to dying eggs again…..

Covid seems to have let up a little.  More and more people got their vaccines and they hope for herd immunity.  Masks aren’t required anymore but recommended.  New variants of the vaccine are talked about.


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