October, November and December

Makenzie got her expander put in and her brackets on.

I picked up the Hulk on the way home.

Poor Max.  I took him to the groomers for a trim and he came home with chicken claws.

I worked more in October than I had in awhile. Covid was ramping up again and we had to dress in full PPE gear.

We had a night out at Southern Junction.  The kids have fun because they get to dance and run around.

It is cooling down a little and more and more kids are coming out to play. 

Max got a pupachino and loved it.

Makenzie moved up in volleyball and started working on her overhand serve.

Just hanging around.

I started dating an amazing man, Wayne.  

The kids school gets a day off for the State Fair
Of Texas, but it was closed this year.  A bunch of families from school all went to GreatWolf Lodge instead.

Went on a date with Wayne downtown on the rooftop of a hotel and had drinks while watching the sunset <swoon>

He plays golf and so I ventured out with him to watch him play!

Lots of sidewalk chalk art.

Hide and seek with bubba….

Landon had a play date with his friend Paislee, I mean the Hulk.

Dad and I got our concealed handgun license.  It was fun doing the class with him and then going to take the shooting portion with him.  (I outshot him, but we don’t talk about that)

The kids school pictures, complete with ketchup on Madison’s forehead.

Wayne took me to Vegas and we had the best time.  We took a helicopter tour and shot guns.  Lost a lot of money and ate great food.

Wayne’s mask broke and he had to buy a mask that he was wearing inside out to be solid black.  We didn’t realize he had it on the right way but upside down until we took the picture.

Madison came home with this art masterpiece…..

We did some pumpkin carving with Autumn and the girls.

I went trick or treating with a mad scientist, Chase and an astronaut.



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