A little catch up

We took the pups, and the kids, to the park to play.  Look at sweet Max and then crazy Roxy.

Daddy and his baby dog!  Every night before bed the dogs jump up in bed and get some daddy snuggles.

Fresh haircut

One day after school Madison came running to the car and told me something was in her hair and was stuck to her head.  IT. WAS. A. TICK.  I thought I was goi g to die.  Wayne was able to pull it off and we cleaned it up real good.  So nasty!

Tough football boy!  

Ran the wrong way again but was so happy he caught the ball.

Madison had art that was chosen to be displayed in the art show.
We took the kids to see the Easter bunny.  (It’s a creepy looking g bunny)

Landon’s pre-k graduation pictures came in.  I can’t get over how big he looks or the fact that he will be starting kindergarten soon.

Also got Makenzie’s volleyball pictures done!!  Beautiful girl!

The kids tried out a new way to color eggs and it was really fun.  And so much easier and cleaner than dying eggs.


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